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The male orgasm: who knew there were 7 types?

Ben Clark

Updated: Sep 26, 2022

It’s only right that we begin our blog journey with an in-depth look at the much lauded - and seemingly misunderstood - male orgasm. Now, we like to think we’re a relatively liberal and enlightened bunch of gents here at Mr. Wilde, but as we dug deeper even we were surprised to learn just how much more there is to be enjoyed than the straight forward splurge. Fellow pleasures-seekers, keep reading to learn how you can up your orgasm game and become a self-love supernova.

Most people think that male orgasm is all about the contraction of the muscles and ejaculation. It’s very simple, right? Wrong! Men can have various types of orgasms in the same way that women can. In fact, there are seven types of male orgasms! Becoming aware of them is the first step, then with some practise and help from Mr. Wilde you can look forward to achieving them one by one. Here cums the science bit....

1. The Ejaculatory Orgasm

It is the standard orgasm for men that most people understand. The penis gets an erection after stimulation. After contracting the prostate gland and pelvic floor muscles several times, sperm is ejaculated through the urethra. Most men will have this type of orgasm when they are having sex. Entry level, keep reading...

2. The Entire Body Orgasm

You can also call this one blended orgasm as it does not happen in one particular area of your body. This type of orgasm happens during the foreplay when everything is happening fast and your body is finding stimulation after touches at various parts of your body. It makes you feel satisfied during foreplay just before you are about to start the real action.

3. The Wet Dream

When you hear the term ‘wet dream’ you may probably think of Pubity and recall a stealth mission to clean the sheets. But, men also have wet dreams and it is a type of orgasm as well. You can refer to it as an involuntary orgasm. In this case, you will have an orgasm while you are sleeping where the content of your dream is not necessarily (or solely) erotic.

4. The Dry Orgasm

Most people believe that men will ejaculate fluid when they will have an orgasm. But, that is not true for many men who can have a dry orgasm. Although a very small number of men have this type of orgasm, it is still very satisfying for those who have it. It might seem an anticlimax so to speak, but has clear practical benefits!

5. The Pelvic Orgasm

If you want to experience an exploding orgasm literally, then you have to try this type of orgasm - but you will have to put in some elbow grease. If you want to have a pelvic orgasm, then you have to practice edging. Edging is all about prolonging your orgasm where you masturbate till the point where you are about to have an orgasm, and then you stop completely to avoid climax. After that, you start masturbating again. Edging can also help you in boosting your sexual stamina.

6. The Prostate Orgasm

Most men think that they don’t have a G-spot like women which they can stimulate to find pleasure. Well, a man may not have a G-spot, but he certainly has his P-spot. The prostate gland. One can find this little pleasure point inside the anus, it's the size of a walnut and located at the bottom of the bladder. Having a prostate massager, in this case, will help you a lot in having a prostate orgasm which can be among the most satisfying orgasms of your life. Happy hunting.

7. The Multiple Orgasms

When it comes to male orgasm, multiple orgasms are considered the ‘holy grail’. You will still find people would say men having multiple orgasms are a myth. But its true! Either you can go for sequential multiple orgasms or serial multiple orgasms. In sequential multiple orgasms, you get an orgasm, you take a rest, and once again go for the next orgasm. But, in the case of serial multiple orgasms, you will have orgasms one after the other without giving your body rest… if you’ve ever experienced this you are one lucky guy and we bow to your skill.

So there you have it, seven ways to heaven and a whole lot of pleasure. Who knew we were such complicated beings. Check out our range to help you on your journey.

Ben @ Mr. Wilde

Peace chaps x

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1 Comment

Paul Markey
Paul Markey
Nov 16, 2021

As an old geriatric unky P did not understand any of this ... mostly cos he's getting shagged ;-)

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